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Old Oct 26, 2006, 11:17 PM // 23:17   #101
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My armor colours were nerfed as well, but I checked this AM and found they were fixed. After the update last night, I logged on and found my monk had green cloths (neutral brown before), my ele had orange (purple before) and my tank had his silver stripped of his Kurz armour. I logged on with each character, and the colours went back to norm. Try that to see if it works. I know Anet is working on all the issues that came up with the update, including the green item problems.
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Old Oct 26, 2006, 11:18 PM // 23:18   #102
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the skill icon listing can be turned off in your "options" menu.
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Old Oct 26, 2006, 11:31 PM // 23:31   #103
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Isn't that the /dance one?
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Old Oct 26, 2006, 11:39 PM // 23:39   #104
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Noticed it as well and it annoyed me, I just use up all my energy canceling myself while kiting. Glad they're looking into it, I don't mind retraining my timing of using movement keys with skill activation if there's a good reason for the change, but I don't know the reason other than the farming example given earlier in the thread.
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Old Oct 26, 2006, 11:51 PM // 23:51   #105
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Well I'm glad it's not just me (although this really sucks -.-). I was in an SF farm run and was wondering why I kept being interruped. Coupled with the new enemy AI it's REALLY annoying because you can't cast and run from them >_>...

I hope this gets fixed.
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Old Oct 27, 2006, 12:10 AM // 00:10   #106
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Default new Aoe bug (not scatter nerf)

I was trying to farm with my invincimentalist in elona's reach for minos and was having A LOT of trouble. Outside of the scattering nerf I noticed that my AOE spells like deep freeze and frozen burst and spells that affected a target and adjacent foes like frozen shards was not working properly, many many many times it only affected ONE person, even the aoe spells!!! Even when the targets were next to each other!

anyone else notice this?

this needs to be addressed immediately x.x

or maybe it did affect them but didnt show the damage, because it only showed damage for one person.
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Old Oct 27, 2006, 12:14 AM // 00:14   #107
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Smile Wow!

You guys are a world of knowledge. Thanks!
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Old Oct 27, 2006, 01:02 AM // 01:02   #108
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Default No CE Minipet?


I've added my Collectors Edition key to my Guild Wars account, but when I type /bonusitems , I dont' recieve the minipet. The other bonusitems spawn, but no mini Varesh. Is anyone else having this problem?
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Old Oct 27, 2006, 01:03 AM // 01:03   #109
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yep same here, euro CE (although im on american servers :P)
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Old Oct 27, 2006, 01:04 AM // 01:04   #110
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Same here, Gaile confirmed that that we could get our mini pets, but mine won't spawn! I feel scammed.
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Old Oct 27, 2006, 01:08 AM // 01:08   #111
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Im in the same situation aswell. My CE is Europe version (American Servers as im in Australia aswell).

Hopefully its not a case of Anet including the standard edition key inside all the CE that were shipped to Australia.
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Old Oct 27, 2006, 01:09 AM // 01:09   #112
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well the code on the back of the card in the bottom right has a CE in it so i believe its the correct card... maybe the uk cards aren't activated for some reason but the US ones are.
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Old Oct 27, 2006, 01:36 AM // 01:36   #113
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Chill guys, chill! NF doesn't activate officially until 12 PM PST tonight anyways... Then you can begin your official griping :P

Added: Oh, yeah, and the Mini Varesh is definately included in the N American CE version.. Though I haven't gotten online to test if its there yet, its all over the boxart ... No worries!!
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Old Oct 27, 2006, 01:37 AM // 01:37   #114
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:P I'm not griping.. Gaile Grey has said that they've been activated.. but mine doesn't seem to be working whereas other's obviously are.
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Old Oct 27, 2006, 02:08 AM // 02:08   #115
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Wink Character creation bug

not sure where to post this, feel free to move it
monk face preview repeats in the CC
check it


Last edited by luinks; Oct 27, 2006 at 02:34 PM // 14:34..
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Old Oct 27, 2006, 02:11 AM // 02:11   #116
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Default Fire Attunement Bug

Sorry if there is already a topic on this or if this is in the wrong place, but I couldn't find one anywhere.

Fire Attunement is now supposed to give back 30% of the skill cost + 1 energy. However, it looks like it is giving 30% of the cost - 1 energy.

So for a 10 energy skill (Fire Attunement is the one I've been trying on), it should give:
.3 * 10 + 1 = 4 energy

but only gives:

.3 * 10 - 1 = 2 energy.

Similarly, it is only giving 4 energy for a 15energy skill and only 7 energy for a 25 energy skill. Should be giving 5.5 and 8.5 (don't remember if its supposed to round up or down).

Anyone else notice this?
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Old Oct 27, 2006, 02:13 AM // 02:13   #117
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hmm, i never even knew it was supposed to give that much, however, i do know that Anet when possible round up for damage and round down for bonus' so yeh, gg anet :P
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Old Oct 27, 2006, 02:17 AM // 02:17   #118
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Yes, I'm experiencing it as well. Don't really use attunements often, so I didn't notice until now.
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Old Oct 27, 2006, 02:20 AM // 02:20   #119
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Until it's fixed, I suggest you turn to Ether Prodigy. Ether Prodigy pwns attunements anyway...
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Old Oct 27, 2006, 02:24 AM // 02:24   #120
Frost Gate Guardian
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Originally Posted by Zui

Until it's fixed, I suggest you turn to Ether Prodigy. Ether Prodigy pwns attunements anyway...
If only I could have 2 elites!
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